November 22, 2008
Our strange new home
I’ve published a new issue of my free newsletter
Our strange new home: A talk to the people in the Chinese government designing ways to use the Net to deliver government services. Has the Internet been saved?: Obama’s appointments to head the FCC transition team fill me with joy. |
The main article is the text of a talk I gave a few weeks ago in Beijing at a one-day seminar/conference for the people in the Chinese government who are putting together sites — portals, usually — to provide government services. These were, I was told, the government people most excited about the opportunities brought by an open Internet. I gave the closing keynote. The previous speakers, from China, S. Korea and Denmark, had expanded the audience’s practical imaginations. I would’ve if I could’ve. Instead, I tried to resolve the seeming contradiction and doubtless cross-cultural meaninglessness that the Internet is weird and the Internet feels homey. It occurred to me afterward that that is the theme of Small Pieces Loosely Joined.
You can read it here.
Date: November 22nd, 2008 dw