July 6, 2008
My Fair Election
Archon Fung, at Harvard’s Kennedy School, is proposing that we crowd source the fairness of the upcoming presidential election at MyFairElection.com. You can watch a 7 minute video presentation or read a brief paper.
July 6, 2008
Archon Fung, at Harvard’s Kennedy School, is proposing that we crowd source the fairness of the upcoming presidential election at MyFairElection.com. You can watch a 7 minute video presentation or read a brief paper.
July 4, 2008
The Declaration is obviously a remarkable document, part philosophy, part legal document, part performative, part a moral accounting, part beautiful rhetoric. It’s good reading, although I do tend to skip the long middle that lists the particular complaints and justifications.
Here are some resources:
US Archives
With annotations of our failure to live up to it
Lightly annotated to show draft changes
Martin Luther King’s Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh’s Vietnamese Declaration of Independence
June 29, 2008
Matthew Burton on working with the people who are our government…
June 24, 2008
This is a video of a nice moment: Obama addressing his staff after clinching the nomination.
From an email from Matthew Burton, one of the co-founders of Speechology.org:
Speechology is an archive of political debates and campaign advertisements, all of which are subject to fact checking by our users. We created Speechology because we were tired of watching politicians fudge the truth in ads and dodge questions during debates.
YouTubes. Ratings. Comments. Tags. What’s not to love?
There’s not a lot of content at the site yet. It’ll be interesting to see if useful analysis and fact-checking emerges.
June 19, 2008
I’ve been enjoying the Public Service Administration’s Election 08 satires. The Message To Ralph and Bass Motives are very funny, as well as the better known parody of the Yes We Can video. Warning: Totally Obama slanted. In fact, I think their anti-Hillary stuff is the weakest of the lot (well, the Monty Python mashup is funny).
June 18, 2008
The Sunlight Foundation has released its latest tool in the struggle for governmental transparency: CapitolWords.org. It scrapes the records and highlights the word used most often that day. For example, “tax” was used 23 times today. Of course, a calendar view is also available,
June 17, 2008
In other news, boxes are smaller on the inside than on the outside, young cats are often cute, and door knobs just don’t belong in a delicious cous-cous.
June 16, 2008
I enjoyed this brief YouTube:
Mainly, I like seeing the issue addressed. (Thanks for the link, Kirby Ferguson.)
June 12, 2008
No, the title of this post isn’t a misspelling. Britt Blaser is announcing that Independence Year starts on this July 4. And in the course of it, he claims to be neo-conversative, i.e., engaged in a new conversation about politics. I love the phrase. I also like what Britt is up to. (I may in fact be involved in some advisory role somehow; Britt’s got a lot going on.)