October 21, 2008
Obama’s grandmother is younger than McCain’s mother
85 versus 95. And we all wish them both well.
October 21, 2008
85 versus 95. And we all wish them both well.
I was thumbing through some photos a couple of days ago and came across IMG0127.jpg, which turned out to be a photo I took at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. I was there as one of the 30 or so bloggers who had been given credentials. The DNC did it up right for us, including a breakfast meeting, in front of which they trotted dignitaries, including Howard Dean and the skinny, promising Senator-to-be. All I remember was that he was shy, charming, and seemed as unsure as we were of what to make of a room full of bloggers with press credentials, all being recorded by mainstream journalists who had been confined behind a railing at the back of the room.
Meanwhile, my friend Tim Hiltabiddle has posted at Facebook a gallery of beautiful photos he took of Obama in New Hampshire last week. Gorgeous.
October 20, 2008
This 6.5 min video from DailyKos edits together Colin Powell’s argument in favor of Obama with brief supporting clips from the McCain campaign:
Send it to the fence-sitter in your family. (Here’s a link straight to the video. Ans Mike Wendell, in the comments, recommends this one, without the intercuts.)
Click on an issue listed at Ask Obama Now and you’ll see a video clip of Obama addressing it, along with a build of bullet points on the side – useful if you’re not sure where he stands on the issues that matter to you.
October 19, 2008
Suppose that you had a comedy sketch show that made fun of a particular vice presidential candidate particularly effectively. Suppose the person doing the imitations, as well as the staff in general, really really really (excuse me, rully, rully, rully) dislikes the VP candidate. Suppose they think of her as a demagogue. Suppose they felt obliged to honor the candidate’s request to be on the show, but didn’t want to let her use the show to gain sympathy. It’d be awkward.
Or, as they say: Live! From New York! It’s Saturdaaaay Night!
October 17, 2008
I thought this was a pretty charming video from the Boston Globe.
Getting that close to a potential president — Dem or Rep — is pretty thrilling. I still remember the day I shook Bobby Kennedy’s hand as he campaigned through a town near where I lived in 1967.
Sarah Palin is not a joke. So, suppose we TiVo users were to skip past her time on SNL this Saturday. Any chance TiVo would notice and publicize it, just as they made public that the moments of Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction were the most re-viewed seconds of the Superbowl that year?
Yes, I think this may be the worst idea I’ve ever blogged.
October 16, 2008