January 21, 2008
John McCain vs. Chuck Norris
Oh please let Chuck Norris continue to continue to criticize John McCain!
When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he pushes the earth down, but when John McCain does a pushup it hurts horribly because he was tortured as a POW.
When John McCain uses exercise equipment, he is exercising, not shilling some crappy product, like Chuck Norris.
Underneath John McCain’s wrinkles there is actual experience of the world, not like Chuck Norris.
When John McCain is a hero in a war, he’s a hero, not a D-rate actor profiting by merchandising violent, adolescent fantasies about war.
John McCain tells jokes, but he is not himself a joke, unlike Chuck Norris.
I’m not going to vote for John McCain but not because of his age or his character.
Date: January 21st, 2008 dw