September 28, 2006
Get your paddles on this YouTube
The first segment, about where new words come from, is particularly entertaining. I also enjoyed the business bib. [Tags: humor]
September 28, 2006
The first segment, about where new words come from, is particularly entertaining. I also enjoyed the business bib. [Tags: humor]
September 21, 2006
If an airline offered a High Risk Flight on a plane where they just waved everyone through security, I’d consider taking it.
September 1, 2006
A work day = a day of work
Labor Day != a day of labor
Just in case you were wondering.
August 29, 2006
What’s the one spot people with infectious diseases go to several times a day, spreading their germs carefully over a shared surface?
It’s your family bottle of hand sanitizer. It’s got to have the house’s richest concentration of germs.
Of course, as my children point out, the sanitizing gel kills the germs that you’ve picked up from the bottle. So long as you don’t miss a spot on your hands. And so long as the stuff actually works.
They ought to make the hand sanitizer bottle out of hand sanitizer. Another million dollar idea I give to you for nothing!
(Yeah, we could each get our own bottle, but, frankly, a little bacterial risk is a good thing.) [Tags: sanitation health]
August 27, 2006
August 18, 2006
They spake so plain,
of the stakes to gain.
Rakes of pain?
Flakes of murrain?
Complain of a migraine?
Inane to the brain?
Or parfait by the Seine?
A rain of champagne?
Playin’ with sugar cane?
Wayans’ amazin’?
Stay in a Days Inn?
Charlemagne of Acquitaine?
The main pain?
Sustain three motherf***ing quatrains.
[Tags: soap snakes_on_a_plane]
August 17, 2006
I’m not very happy with what I wrote yesterday about anonymity. I should have taken more time with it, but the conversation was moving so quickly that I felt I had to jump in.
There must be a mathematical way to express the Law of Conversational Overclocking: As the acceleration of conversation increases past the maximum speed of thought, the quality of conversation deteriorates.
In fact, isn’t there a sweet spot, which varies by topic, medium, number of participants, and personality? Conversations improve as they approach a certain velocity, and then deteriorate rapidly, until they break the Unsound Barrier (where the laws of logic go through a singularity), at which point the conversation just is no more?
August 12, 2006
I find it mildly amusing that in the Berkshires, the names of the two candidates for District Attorney sound like characters in a rejected Marvel Comics line: Knight vs. Capeless.
August 11, 2006
Want to create your own Stephen Colbert “You’re on Notice!” board? You can, thanks tol Jamais Cascio… [Tags: stephen_colbert jamais_cascio humor]
July 30, 2006
Can’t sneak 19″ monitor into your luggage.
What to have for breakfast, when to go to bed, how often to check email ,and the other habits that hold us together are all thrown recklessly to the wind, hey nonny nonnny.
Traveling kit contains second-tier bathroom paraphernalia.
Staying indoors is suddenly considered abnormal.
Can’t claim antisocial tendencies are actually “just a good work ethic.”
The water tastes different, the pillows smell funny, and I think I just heard a snake.
People insist that you “relax.” What’s that about?
Sight of pasty white-boy torso overwhelms well-tanned forearms and calves.
On the third trip through rustic small town, the cute tourist shop names start to sound evil.
Can’t figure out how to dress worse than normal.