January 8, 2012
[2b2k] Why Is Open-Internet Champion Darrell Issa Supporting an Attack on Open Science?
I’ve swiped the title of this post from Rebecca J. Rosen’s excellent post at The Atlantic. Darrell Issa has been generally good on open Internet issues, so why is he supporting a bill that would forbid the government from requiring researchers to openly post the results of their research? [Later that day: I revised the previous sentence, which was gibberish. Sorry.]
Rebecca cites danah boyd’s awesome post: Save Scholarly Ideas, Not the Publishing Industry (a rant). InfoDocket has a helpful roundup, including to Peter Suber’s Google+ discussion.
Categories: education, open access, too big to know Tagged with: 2b2k • danah boyd • open access • peter suber
Date: January 8th, 2012 dw
Date: January 8th, 2012 dw