June 19, 2013
[lodlam] Topics
I’m at LODLAM (linked open data for libraries, archives, and museums) in Montreal. It’s an unconference with 100 people from 16 countries. Here are the topics being suggested at the opening session. (There will be more added to the agenda board.)
NOTE: Live-blogging. Getting things wrong. Missing points. Omitting key information. Introducing artificial choppiness. Over-emphasizing small matters. Paraphrasing badly. Not running a spellpchecker. Mangling other people’s ideas and words. You are warned, people. |
(Because this is an unconference, I probably will not be doing much more liveblogging.)
Taxonomy alignment
How to build a case for LOD
How to build a pattern library (a clear articulation for a problem, the context where the problem appears, and a pattern for its solution) for cultural linked open data
How to take PDF to the next level, integrating triples to make it open data? How to make it into a “portable data format”
How can we efficiently convert our data to LOD? USC has Karma and would like to convene a workshop about tools.
How to convert simple data to LOD? How to engage users in making that data better?
A cultural heritage standard.
User interfaces. What do we do after we create all of this data? [applause]
Progress since the prior LODLAM (in San Francisco)? BIBFRAME? Schema.org?
Preserving linked data
The NSA has built the ultimate linked data tool chain. What can we learn?
Internal use cases for linked data.
How to make use of dirty metadata
A draft ontology for MODS metadata (MODSRDF)
Collaborating on a harvesting/enrichment tool
Getty Vocabulary is being released as LOD [applause], but they need help building a community making sure they have the right ontologies, early adopters, etc.
The data exhaust from dSPACE and linking it to world problems — find the disconnects between the people who have problems and people with info helpful for those problems
Identities and authorities — linked data as an app-independent way of doing identity control and management
RDF cataloging interface
Curation and social relationships
Linked Open Data echo systems
A new understanding of search — ways LODers search isn’t familiar to most people
Open Annotation tools enabling end users to enrich the graph
Our collections are different for a reason. That manifests itself in the data structure. We should talk about this.
In the business writ large, maybe we need the confidence to be invisible. What does that mean?
Feedback loops once data has been exposed
Wikidata — the database that supports Wikipedia
Forming an international group to discuss archival data, particularly in LOD