April 7, 2014
Cluetrain meets Reddit
Cluetrain touted the rise of customer voices. We see through the marketing bullshit and we tell one another about it.
Fine, but there was always the problem that if you’re a consumer products company, you only need 1% of customers to make it look like your products are godawful because a corner was dented. “You totalz Suck PRocter/Gambel!!”
So, here’s a post by an alarmed passenger on a United flight. OMG the window is half out!
But because it’s Reddit, the customer’s concern is answered by someone who knows how planes are constructed. No, the popped-out window isn’t a danger to the integrity of the plane. Customer conversations can help customers get things right.
(By the way, United, you might want to fix that window. It’s upsetting the passengers.)