July 14, 2005
80,000 blogs a day
An update from Dave Sifry of Technorati [Disclosure: I’m an advisor to the company]:
We are now tracking over 13.3 Million blogs, and there are about 80,000 new blogs created every single day. The blogosphere has been doubling in size every 5 months, and posting volume has doubled in only 3 months – we are now indexing over 10 posts per second, sustained throughout the day – that’s about 900,000 posts per day. We’ve also experienced over 40% month-to-month growth in traffic for the last 4 months….
Some percentage of those 80,000 new blogs are spamblogs. And I find under a million posts per day to be oddly disappointing. Still, that’s a hell of a lot of blogs and a hell of a lot of posts. Why, that’s more than even Scoble can keep up with! (Scoble today warns Technorati that it’s being outperformed.)
(Proposed definition: scoble: 1. (v.) To scan a batch of posts. 2 (n.) 1,500 weblogs. E.g., She scobled three scobles of blogs in under 20 minutes.) [Technorati tags: technorati scoble blogs]