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Three to Look At

I have to run off for a college interview — no, my daughter’s — so this will be fast. But here are three sites worth a look.

1. J.D. Lasica points out that John Hiler has launched a blog site that serves as aguide to NYC. My family has just booked a frequent flyer trip to Venice and Florence in March and I’d love to find similar sites for those cities. (In English, of course, because sono un idiot americano.)

2. Michael O’Connor Clarke points us to a hyperbolic tree of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I’m not quite sure what’s going on (how appropriate!) but it is rather wonderful.

3. Someone could do Honeywell a favor by telling them that it’s time to rescan the manual for the Chronotherm III model T8600. The PDF looks like it was scanned from a fax.

By the way, if you want to see a thermostat UI that looks like even I might be able to master it, take a look at the Lux (a Consumer Reports Best Buy) documentation. In fact Lux has a little “interactive demo” that shows you how to program it.

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10 Responses to “Three to Look At”

  1. Hello

    I live near Florence, so I try to suggest you some links about this town:
    the official site of the municipality
    official site of the Uffizi Gallery
    other links in:
    Florence category of the Google Directory

    Regarding Venice, you could try to look at the sites listed in the Venice category of the Google Directory

    I hope it could help you.. and I wish you a pleasant stay in Italy!

  2. Barbara, that was very generous of you. Thank you for all the links.

  3. The manager of a hotel in Bologna once lamented: “The Americans! They spend a week in Florence, a week in Venice. Why not 6 days in Florence, 6 days in Venice, and 2 days in Bologna?” That’s a good question.


    Enjoy your trip :-))


  4. But, Luigi, the same question could be asked about *any* city. So, if we put in two days for Bologna (a place I’ve never been to), then we should put in two days for every city in Italy. And why stop there? Two days for every city on the planet. And before you know it, a vacation has turned into a lifestyle.


  5. In the case at hand Bologna is not just *any* city, David. It happens to be one of the possible *humanity filling* stations between Florence and Venice … where … anybody caring to know Italy and the Italians *as they are*, not just *as they were*, might stop by to meet friends, give tourist menus a break, get to know what the natives think and how they live, pick up the latest joke about the national tycoon nicknamed *Berlush* and so on and so forth … beyond all commonplaces …

  6. Point well-made, Luigi. But, then I have to ask: What would be just any city?

  7. Stalemate :( ?…
    Or am I allowed to use a bit of imagination to figure what would make Bologna, or any place a couple of hours drive from Venice or Florence, an attractive stop for David …?

  8. Luigi, if we had more than 7 days in Italy, I would definitely ask you to use your imagination to entice us. But with so little time, I think we’ll have to stick with our 2-city plan.

    Your enthusiasm certainly has ignited my interest, though. Thank you.

  9. Hi dears,
    Surfing on the net I just arrived here :)
    And we just finished and upload our noncommercial website about one, i think, of the most beautiful city of Italy: Florence. Our web address is:
    As you can see we made up a site just concerning information for everybody which is interesting about the city of Florence. Give a look and tell me what you think about it. It will be very nice for us to be listed around the internet, since we’re one of the only that try to offers all kind of information about Florence in a non-commercial way.
    Thanks for your attention.

  10. What a good comment. Thanks!

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