[wikimedia] Semantic Web
It’s a series of speakers. I’m in the back and can’t hear names. The first points to WiktionaryZ, a multilingual dictionary, in alpha. The second points out how hard it is to find and reuse info in Wikipedia. E.g., try to find a list of all the large cities with female mayors. For this, the information in the articles would have to be encoded in predictable ways. At ontoworld.org, they have a experiment going where facts are related to one another using a standard set of relationships (= ontology). This works well [but requires a lot of set-up]. E.g., the computer now can understand that Berlin is within the European Union because it knows Berlin is the capital of Germany and Germany is in the EU. [I’m leaving early to go to another session I want to go to. This session is interesting, though…] [Tags: wikimania2006 wikipedia semantic_web ]
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