Joho the Blog » RageBoy’s two new blogs
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RageBoy’s two new blogs

Judging from the title of the first of RB’s two new blogs — Ex Blogging Officer — I’m guessing that his tenure at HighBeam has ended. Too bad for HighBeam. Chris was doing someting very cool for them: Writing about what interests him, using their service for research, thereby demonstrating the utility of their product. I believe doing this is called something like “ganja marketing” or “gorgonzola marketing”…

Chris followed this up by launching the blog for the book he’s been working on, frequently at his former Highbeam blog: Mystic Bourgeoisie. Chris says that he was going to wait until the site and the book outline were perfect, but then remembered that he’s among friends. Take a look. There are more ideas packed into a single MB chapter than there are glazed fruit cubes in a fruitcake.
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