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Blogs as a reason not to hire (= Pre-fired for blogging)

The Chronicle of Higher Education runs a piece by Ivan Tribble called Bloggers Need Not Apply about how educators are using applicants’ blogs to disqualify them from positions.

My take-away from this nasty bit of work: Either colleges have no tolerance for professionals having non-professional lives or blogs are revealing important information relevant to the job for which the colleges should be grateful.

Either way, I would have thought that an institution of higher learning would be delighted to have its faculty and staff out in the world wide conversation. I guess I was wrong.

By the way, Ivan the Tribble is too gutless even to sign his own name. C’mon out and play, “Ivan.” There’s nothing to be afraid of…just a bunch of bloggers having a good time. [Technorati tags: ]

[Thanks to Jo Ann Oravec for the link.]

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