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Letters from Afghanistan

David Farnham is keeping a blog about his service in Afghanistan. He writes: “One of these days I’ll get back to my life as a web architect, but for now I’m trying to get online and post whenever I can. Have a look.” In fact, yesterday’s post reads:

This is the last post I will be able to make for several weeks. After a month of waiting for a mission I have been assigned to a team and will be in-country for awhile. Despite the constraints and requirements, we are managing to do some good work down there and I look forward to playing a part. The danger is real, but I am confident in my abilities and encouraged by the ineptitude that has been displayed by our enemy so far.

At David’s home page (which is no longer up to date) you can read about his participation in the Army’s SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) School.

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