Joho the Blog » Million dollar idea and assorted crotchety whines
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Million dollar idea and assorted crotchety whines

Carbonize some marshmallows and sell them as “Microwave Campfire Marshmallows.” It’s a surefire million dollar idea, assuming you figure out the marshmallows-explode-in-the-microwave part. But, you could probably just market your way around that: “Poppin’ Fresh Microwave Campire Marshmallows (Caution: Be sure microwave door is securely closed.)”

And while I’m not on the subject: Towards the bottom of the Dunkin’ Donuts coffee cup, on the outside, it says “Caution: Contents extremely hot.” I understand that lawyers made the company put that there, but why are coffee places serving us coffee that’s extremely hot? And am I now responsible for reading the fine print on a coffee cup before drinking? Breaking the seal on the lid of this coffee cup constitutes agreeing to the EULA…”

Have I mentioned I’m in a whiny, crappy mood because I’m sick as a dog (a cold) and am about to fly to Phoenix and back? Poppin’ fresh eardrums, away! [Technorati tag:]

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