OnFolio for Firefox
OnFolio‘s new version supports Firefox. Yay! I had bought rev 1 a couple of months before I switched from Microsoft IE, and I’ve missed it.
OnFolio does something really simple: When you come across a Web page you want to save, it makes a copy and puts it into a folder of your choosing. Of course you can do that yourself, but you end up with component parts all over. OnFolio gives you its own foldering system, lets you add keywords and descriptions, and makes the whole thing hassle-free. (It uses the MHT file format to store all the elements in a single file. [Correction (see comments): It uses MHT to share content with non-users.]) Of course, it does more than that, but that’s the functionality that got me to buy it. It’s a great way to organize your research.
But here’s my worry about OnFolio’s fate. If other people are using OnFolio for the same basic service as I am, how long will it be before someone writes a free add-in to Firefox that saves Web pages into MHT format? I’m not convinced that the extra features in OnFolio are going be attractive to enough people…
(Neattricks has an interesting set of reviews of what seems to be v1, with responses from OnFolio.)
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