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Worthwhile Magazine opens its doors

For the past few months, I’ve been a contributor to the Worthwhile Magazine blog where a bunch o’ bloggers — including Tom Peters, Halley, David Batstone and the magazine’s editors — talk about what makes working worthwhile. Interesting idea (all hail Halley): Do the blog before the magazine.

Now the magazine itself is getting ready to launch in October, and for US$11 you can have a postal employee slap a copy down on your doorstep (or outside your carton depending on how the Bush economic recovery is working out for you) once a month for a year. There’s a subscription button at the WorthwhileMag blog site.

(FWIW, and by way of disclosure: I have a title with the magazine similar to Senior Editor and will be writing a monthly column. And, Anita Sharpe and Kevin Salwen, the founding editors (ex of the WSJ, with a Pulitzer on one of their shelves), have agreed that in lieu of running a photo of me with the column, they’re instead going to include a scratch ‘n’ sniff strip. Win-win!

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