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Computer setup fun!

My new Thinkpad X40 just arrived, so I have many , many happy hours of computer set-up to look forward to, including trying to figure out how to move onto my new laptop the stupid !@#$%-ing programs that only allow themselves to be registered to one computer, oh how I hate them.

I’ve just started the Windows File and Settings Transfer Wizard, a splendid utility that moves all your, well, files and settings to your new computer, which has never been known to work.

On the plus side, the X40 is lovely. Light ‘n’ loaded. And, while the keyboard of the X22 it’s replacing is IBMishly comfortable, the new one feels even better. And, the built-in wifi worked, just like getting a dial tone…

Ah, the Transfer Wizard is done and, guess what? It worked! I take back everything bad I ever said about it, except for the true stuff.

Now I’m watching two hours’ worth of mp3’s flying through the air…

Now, now how to get Thunderbird to recognize the profiles and msg data I moved over from my old laptop. So far, the obvious things haven’t worked. … Ok, edit “profile.ini” and hand-list the profiles you want Thunderbird to notice. Now, how to get the settings moved…Gave up. It’s easier just to enter the mail server’s address…Now to get my old msgs noticed. Hmm. Create a new account in TB. Copy and paste the content of the old folders into the new ones. (Worst that can happen is that I’ll have to reinstall TB. One of the little pleasures of being at the beginning of a rebuild.) The folders are in Documents and Settings/[username]/Application Data/Thunderbird, by the way…Ok, I’m not sure I got it exactly right. Create a new account and notice what name it gives the mail folder. Move the contents of your old folder into that one. Seems to work. But surely there’s a better way to do this. (Insert “Get a Mac” comment here. Thank you.)

Utilities and documents transferred the crude-but-effective way: Drag ‘n’ drop. Soon going to be time to install the Big Gun apps, and then spend hours tweaking and sanding. (One piece of good news: Outlook has left the building.

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