Joho the Blog » Why won’t Symantec AntiVirus just shut up?
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Why won’t Symantec AntiVirus just shut up?

Every time Symantec AntiVirus 2003 (XP) encounters an incoming message with a virus, i.e. 10-20 times each time I download email, it puts up a dialogue box telling me what it’s found. It’s not asking me for advice or requiring me to make a decision. It’s just patting itself on its back. And it interrupts the download until I press the button to dismiss it, presumably with a muttered “Attaboy, Norton, I mean, Symantec!” Which means I have to sit and watch my screen while I’m downloading email. With 1,200 incoming spams a day, this gets to be a bother.

Anyone know how to tell it to turn off the screens? (Better, how about if Symantec were to pop up a non-modal screen at the end of the process, giving me a summary of how it’s saved my butt?)

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