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A new type of presidential conversation

Howard Dean’s blogs at Lessig’s site have been straightforward and — from my point of view — right. I’m thrilled to hear a candidate addressing Net issues on the Net in a Netty way.

And so, whether he expected it or not, he’s now been dropped into the middle of the fray. The comments on the discussion board are all over the place from considered disagreements and thoughtful questions, to outright trolling and name calling. Has any presidential candidate ever in history been dropped into a free-for-all quite like this? Could it be any more different than Bush’s scripted press conferences and tailored, crotch-enhancing photo opps? Democracy just got a little real-er.

If I were Dean, I’d read the comment board as slashdot without the structure: ignore the thoughtless messages as if they had simply been trapped by the filter. People have a right to their opinions but conversational triage is in order. There’s a lot to learn from some of the messages. There are some great questions. I’d be happy to see some members of his campaign staff replying if not Dean his own self.

It’d be easy to read the bluster and invective as a failure of the system. Nah. It is the system. Welcome to the Internet, Governor Dean! You’re making history not just with the Lessig guest blogging but with the wild conversation it’s ignited. And lots of people are going to love you for it.

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