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Everything’s now an adventure

[The series of entries on installing linux begins here.]

Linux sees the other computers – all XP – on the network. But when I try to open an html file on my laptop, it tells me:

“htmlview can’t open “index.html” because thmlview can’t access files at “smb” locations. Would you like to choose another application?

Foolishly thinking that this error message is telling me that htmlview just isn’t up to the task, I click on the box that lets me associate html files with something other than htmlview. Now all I have to do is figure out which directory Opera installed itself into. It’s been a long time since I’ve poked around a unix directory. But, what the heck. And sure enough, there it is, in usr/something/something. I’d be more specific, but the file browser has frozen so I can’t get past usr. I also can’t close the windows. Sure wish I knew how tro list and kill processes in linux. Looks like I’m headed for another forced re-start.

Nope. It was a hidden dialog box that needed attention. Windows obscuring their own child dialog boxes? What does linux think it is, Windows??

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