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[SN] John Blair

John Blair of Kenamea:

The reality of distributed computing today is that the network is intermittent, latency is indeterminate, the network is open, the topology is ad hoc, there is no administrator, transport cost is unpredictable…. Occasionally Connected Computing (OCC) apps work regardless of network connection status. Server-centric web architectures can’t handle these realities. We want to have distributed, composite applications that are off-line capable and on-line aware and that work across heterogeneous networks, platforms and devices.

He’s now doing what seems to be a product demo. And now it’s an architectural drawing of how the product demo worked. [Kenamea is one of the sponsors of Supernova, for which I thank it.]

David Isenberg responds, at the behest of Kevin W: All innovation has occurred on stupid networks, which yours is not. The stupid network isn’t dying because it can’t do some things well. It’s succeeding wildly because it can do everything badly.

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