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The Dean Difference

Gill on Dean

Jock Gill – who is definitely not non-partisan on this topic – writes well about why the Dean campaign is different. (I’ve lightly edited it.)

1] READ THE COMMENTS from the [Dean] blog visitors! This is the best way to understand that the campaign represents a new politics: Connected, Open and Participatory. We are now all becoming PRODUCERS, not merely passive consumers.

2] Dean’s campaign shows the smart mobs, hive minds, have more benefits, power, energy, vitality and adapability than the single mind of any political advisor — Karl Rove comes to mind.

3] As evidenced by the front page story in the NY Times this AM, most folks simply do NOT GET IT! The Dean campaign is the announcement that we are at The End of Broadcast Politics with its base of passive consumers. The NY Times item is all from the point of view of broadcast politics: its about counting money. No! It’s about counting donors. It’s about energized hope, passion, citizens from around the the country who believe in America…<\P>

The Dean campaign is being real smart about the Net and for the right reasons, I believe: they’re viewing the Internet not as a cheap way to reach the masses but as a way to let us talk together. And self-organize. Plus, I love the real voices of the staffers who write the campaign blog.

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