Kids version of Small Pieces
Kids version of Small Pieces – It’s an outrage!
Lockergnome — Chris Pirillo‘s daily newsletter of tips, downloads and chitchat — is now offering exclusive access to the PDF of the kids version of Small Pieces as a premium if you download one of the “Gnometomes” of tips for $5. 50 tips for $5 is a good deal. It’s a business model that I hope works.
Meanwhile, Chris has already heard from a reader who is outraged. Outraged! He has correctly surmised that I removed the PDF from so that Lockergnome would have exclusive access to it. (The HTML and Word versions are still there.) How dare I remove public access to something so that it is now only available as part of a commercial package (if you want to call $5 for 50 tips a “commercial package”)! How tawdry! How, well, commercial!
Damn straight, asshole. You know what else? You could have read my entire book online as I wrote it, but the day that the publisher said it was done, I shut down access to all but the first two chapters. So, pardon me while I move your email into my ToughShit folder.
In less hostile news, I heard yesterday that there will be a Korean edition of Small Pieces. Break out the kim chee!
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