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What the hell???

Want a puzzle?

I’m sitting here with a new PC. Well, the motherboard, CPU, RAM, and power supply are new. Everything else is from my old computer, including 3 hard drives. The 80MB drive is fine. The 60MB seems confused. The 120 is one day old.

My local computer store cloned the 60 onto the 120. I watched them do it. It all checked out.

They assembled the computer for me; I’ve done it too many times to want to do it ever again. The 120 is the master, the 60 is a slave, and the 80 is attached to an ATA card. I boot up from the Windows XP Pro CD. It seems to go fine until it actually begins installing on the 120. As it’s transferring setup files from the CD to the 120, I start getting error messages about not being able to transfer this or that file. And I have not been able to get past that point even though I have:

  • Repartitioned and reformatted the 120 , via the Windows setup disk
  • Installed from a copy of my original Windows CD (a copy that makes me liable to the severe penalties of the DMCA, by the way)
  • Tried installing from the second of the two CD players in my machine

This makes no sense to me. It sounds like it’s a problem with the 120, but I’ve partitioned and formatted it without any problem.

It’s 2:15am. I’m going to sleep and will take the machine back tomorrow at 9. Anyone have any bright ideas? (“Get a Mac” just isn’t funny.)

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