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[WBS] Conference, Day 1

Oy, I’m at another conference. At the moment, as it kicks off, I’m sitting next to The Doc. Michael Gartenberg, VP & Research Director at Jupiter Research, one of the conference sponsors. He says he’s nervous about talking to a group of live bloggers because we can catch him out, so he jokingly begins by saying “It seems to me that …” As Homer would say, it’s funny because it’s true.

Michael does a good job presenting what’s important about weblogging. And unlike what one might expect from an opening address to a business audience about blogging, he stresses the importance of voice, lack of spin, directness…

I’m going to try to avoid over-blogging this conference since the place is lousy with topnotch bloggers. I’m just not sure if I listen better by taking public notes or by listening. We’ll see.

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