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Dean on the Bush Doctrine

Common Dreams has published a clear, concise, straightforward statement by Howard Dean about what’s wrong with The Bush Doctrine. It may not be anything you haven’t heard before, but it’s not something you’ve heard any of the plausible presidential candidates say. And that matters.

An excerpt:

Our nation should be viewed as a moral and just power, a power that seeks to do good, one that has led by example and with a spirit of generosity, and one that works with the world community in advancing the ideals of human dignity and rule of law across the globe.

The people of this country must understand that this Administration has a far different concept of the role of America in the world. This concept involves imposing our will on sovereign nations. This concept involves dismantling the multilateral institutions that we have spent decades building. And this concept involves distorting the rule of law to suit their narrow purposes. When did we become a nation of fear and anxiety when we were once known the world around as a land of hope and liberty?

If your answer to his last question is “On September 11,” you’re blaming the terrorists for our reaction to their terrorism. As the Rev. Jackson says: Keep hope alive.

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