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US to Invade The Netherlands

According to Human Rights Watch, in order to protect US soldiers from being brought to justice for any war crimes they may commit, Bush has signed (well, last August) a new law that

… authorizes the use of military force to liberate any American or citizen of a U.S.-allied country being held by the [International Criminal] court, which is located in The Hague.

Since the Hague (or “den Haag” as those beastly Dutch refer to it) is in the Netherlands, this has stirred up some consternation. Dutch blogger and future enemy soldier, Niek Hockx, has blogged about this amusingly.

In protest of Holland’s outrageous aiding and abetting of The Hague, I pledge that from now on, when my girlfriend and I each pay our own way, I will refer to it as “going freedom.” Also, I’ll refer to the tree blight as “Freedom Elm Disease.” That that, Wooden Shoe Legal Pot boy!

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