Replacing Powerpoint with Flash?
Anyone have any recommendations for a Windows or Linux package that will let me create Flash presentations so I can stop using Powerpoint? Note that I am not trying to import Powerpoint into Flash. I want software that will make it easy-ish to create presentations in Flash, so that I can play them back at 1024×768, complete with snazzy path animation (a must) and special effects. A plain old Flash editor that has a template for presentations would be a start, but I’d like something with effects built in. I’m playing around with Swish (but can’t find a presentation template and so far don’t see how to run it as Flash instead of Shockwave, but I haven’t looked hard.)
My preferences: The editor either works in Linux or works in Linux via Wine or CrossOffice (or some other DLL-runner). And I don’t want to pay a million dollars for this, since it’s likely to be a failed experiment on my part. But if it works, I could switch to Linux on my laptop.
Any thoughts? [Tags: powerpoint flash linux presentation_software]
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