Too Many Small Pieces? Chris
Too Many Small Pieces?
Chris Pirillo mentions my book right at the top of his massively circulated Lockergnome newsletter. Thanks, Chris.
By the way, I enjoyed Eric Norlin’s spirited defense (I think that’s what it’s called) of Chris’ deciding to offer collections of tips and so forth for electronic download for $5 per tome. Some creeps have been calling Chris names for this, including someone who posted a parody of Lockergnome. I’d give you the link but it’s just not funny (unlike the insanely clever “Gluetrain” parody a couple of years ago). It also paints orthodox Jewish sideburns on Chris’ caricature. Yeah, that’s real funny.
CIO Insight has a positive, brief review of the book. It begins: “The foremost problem with books about technology is that they are deadly dull. Not this one…”
Programming guru Ed Yourdon “highly recommends” “Small Pieces.” In return, Small Pieces issued a press release highly recommending Ed Yourdon. Because there’s no permalink to Ed’s writeup, I quote it here in full:
I’m in the midst of reading David Weinberger’s new book, Small Pieces, Loosely Joined: a Unified Theory of the Web. Weinberger is the editor of a Webzine called JOHO, as well as a co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto. He’s one of the most thoughtful, amusing, and literate writers on the techno/society scene, and I highly recommend his new book. When I finish reading Small Pieces and digest its subtle messages and recommendations, I’ll write a more detailed review; in the meantime, I suggest that you hustle down to your nearest book store (either in “real” space or virtual space) and get yourself a copy.
If I were capable of shame and/or modesty, I’d be blushing right now.
Burning Bird, on the other hand, writes:
May I be the first to go online and say that I don’t give a shit about David Weinberger’s Small Pieces Loosely Joined?
Sorry, Burning, but the first person to go online not giving a shit about Small Pieces was a Ms. Madeline McMurray who has yet to mention it at all.
My favorite comment in the discussion thread on Burning’s site comes from Karl who writes “But as for the book…well the relentless hype has beaten me.” Relentless hype? Karl, I sent review copies to the people on my blogroll and maybe five or six of them have written something. Someone quick reinforce Karl’s Hype Annoyance Filter!
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