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Me interviewed in Germany…now CC’ed!

Mario Sixtus has posted a podcast of his interview of me from a couple of weeks ago. It’s about 15 mins long. (Mario has dubbed in his questions in German but has left my answers in English, so if you don’t speak German you can always play “Guess the question.”) BTW, I didn’t put my fears of digital ID very well, possibly because they’re unfounded and thus can’t be put well: The mere ability to demand hard, digital ID I’m afraid will result in a widespread “Don’t shop here if you don’t like it” attitude, not to mention the fears I mention about what will happen in totalitarian states.

Mario points out that Handelsblatt has posted the podcast under a Creative Commons license, which he thinks may be the first time a major German publisher has used CC. Whether it’s the first or just one of the first, I still say: Yay! [Tags: ]

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