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My colon

Believe me, I know that’s the least enticing headline ever, but, March is colonoscopy month so I’m obliged by law to talk about my colon.

If you’re 50+, you should get a colonoscopy every 5 years or so (or when your doctor tells you). They’re generally covered by insurance, if you have insurance (stupid stupid country). Having skipped my annual physical for 5 years, I finally went last month, and my doctor has had me schedule a shove ‘n’ peek for a couple of weeks from now. Since colon cancer is often detectable in pre-cancerous form, my avoidance is just plain stupid.

Here’s a piece in Salon that may motivate you. Here’s an article it references that is reassuring about the process. And here’s a picture of the pretty side of Katie Couric.

As the person who scheduled my colonoscopy told me, you have to take it with a grain of salt. [Tags: ]

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