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Flying back

I’m flying back from Linz today, and then getting on a bus to join my family for Labor Day, which is already in progress. I’m blogging from the Frankfurt airport after the most thorough pat down since my honeymoon.

Last night, after the Ars Electronica conference ended for the day, there was a light, sound and airplane extravaganza on the banks of the Danube that defies description. It told the story of a Linzer woman from WWII to the present and featured fly overs by various air craft, very large screen displays on barges, and go-go dancing from the buckets of cranes. Also, a sound track so loud that it was like getting a back massage. Very hard to interpret what it meant to the Linzers.

Afterwards, 12 of us wandered through the city looking for dinner and ended up in a Viennese restaurant where all 3 carnivores at my table got schnitzel. A lovely time.

And now, as my 15 minutes of T-Mobile wifi ticks away, I “look forward” to hunching in my seat trying to avoid the aggressive adjustments of whoever is in the seat in front of me. As I get fatter and fatter, the angle of my laptop on airplanes gets more acute. I alaready have trouble inserting my meaty knuckles. Another couple of pounds and I’ll be typing with chopsticks.

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2 Responses to “Flying back”

  1. hello. i found your blog via technorati.
    have you found the blogger wiki list yet?
    please add your blog there

  2. That’s the funniest image I have come across in some time. LOL.

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