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Mayor of News Orlean interview

EthanZ says this radio interview with the mayor of News Orleans is “extraordinary.” I haven’t heard it — I’m sitting in the audience at the Ars Electronica conference — but I trust Ethan when he blogs:

He’s extremely critical of the disaster response thus far, and offers a number of details that aren’t being widely discussed about the situation in Louisiana. It’s worth your time to listen to it

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5 Responses to “Mayor of News Orlean interview”

  1. Mayor of News Orlean interview

    Mayor of News Orlean interview

  2. Here’s a transcript:

  3. CNN has the transcript here:

    and coverage here:

  4. Bush II; Day 302: Truth to Power II: The Mayor of New Orleans

    Oh. My. God. Listen to this interview with the Mayor of New Orleans. Listen to it right now. He is pissed. He is outraged. He is full of answers about what must be done, and condemnations that it is not…

  5. Thanks for posting this. I have also posted and linked back to your blog. Listening to this interview touched me and prompted me to look further on how to help.

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