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Superbowl ads

If you were so wrapped up failing to build a MythTV that you missed the Superbowl, you can see the ads here. [Technorati tag:]

Hmm. I just watched a bunch. You have a year to come up with a commercial and that’s the best you can come up with? Pretty lame overall, I thought. Plus, apparently rampant misogyny is acceptable now. Oh goody.

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11 Responses to “Superbowl ads”

  1. For others, like myself, who are not sure what misogyny is – it is “a hatred of women”.

  2. Of course, it would have helped if I’d spelled it right. D’oh. (I’ve corrected it in the post.)

  3. Any one else watch the AXE shower gel commercial – How Dirty Boys Get Clean – gang of bros catch sis in bed with naked guy, who’s climbing out the window. They hold up his underwear to the noses of 3 or 4 dogs who then chase the naked Lothario through several back yards.

    In one of back yards he jumps into the swimmimg pool, a quick lather-up, jumps out the other side of the pool and onto a pool-side chaise lounge. , The dogs come into the at back yard, right up to that chaise lounge, can’t find the scent and leave. Lothario then turns to his left and on the chaise lounge next to him there’s another cute woman .. with a lascivious little half-smile on her face, almost licking her lips, after having seen him emerge in front of her, naked (of course the pertinent area of her interest had been pixelated to obscure the details).

    Sheesh .. as long as the details are fuzzy ! Janet Jackson shoulda thought of that ;-)

    Where’s the FCC when you really need them, huh ?

  4. didn’t see any of them, except, on cnn, part of the (anheuser-busch?)thing with the airport soldiers. thought it was really pretty repulsive. do we know if they actually were decent enough to pay real soldiers, or were they paid actors or volunteers?

  5. The National Fuddydud League killed’s second spot at the 2-minute warning of the 2nd half. I don’t get how any of the ads were misogynistic. Care to explain?

  6. If you were so wrapped up failing to build a MythTV that you missed the Superbowl, you can see the ads here.

    So does anyone know what is wrong with that statement? Did anyone actually happen to catch, gasp, game? Maybe I’m talking to the wrong crowd here, but I think this might be the link to the downfall of professional sports.

  7. The commercial I cited above started with the bros holding the woman by each arm while she was struggling, and they looked pretty p.o’d, pretty menacing … one couldn’t be sure they weren’t going to horsewhip her or stitch a big scarlet letter “W” onto her forehead or some such after they returned from chasing the boyfriend.

    I’m not sure I’d have wanted to be her when they returned … and she looked to me like she was over the age of consent.

    We’re left to wonder .. and then of course the naked boy Lothario is till back at the pool, underpant-less, left with his next possible conquest.

  8. Just found this website with naked pictures of the girl in the godaddy commercial i put it up there not sure if it will work so i will put it here too

  9. The National Fuddydud League killed’s second spot at the 2-minute warning of the 2nd half. I don’t get how any of the ads were misogynistic. Care to explain?

  10. anyone know the song in the aaxe shower gel comercial ???? its hispanic rap

  11. ya what is that song?

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