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Oprah in 2008

I believe I’m echoing something Halley wrote months ago, and I see that Jarvis blogged something about this yesterday, but: I don’t believe there is any idea powerful enough to displace the Republican meme that they are saving our children from dusky-hued terrorists. The obvious alternative is to find a radically center leader whom people trust and who can draw from across the spectrum.

Oprah! Oprah! Oprah!

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19 Responses to “Oprah in 2008”

  1. Shouldn’t Oprah run for mayor or something first?

  2. Sorry that the election didn’t go your way. I am sure you are quite disappointed.

    Although I disagree with your politics, I love the passion with which you hold your beliefs. With luck, your passion will infuse your party. That would be a good start.


  3. I’ve got an idea. When I was little, and I read the bible, I would get to the part in revelation where the anti christ comes to power and always wonder how it could happen. Well now I know.
    I’m not saying I believe he is, or that angels will be opening seals raining plauges upon us all, but I do think it would have been a surprisingly effective argument the Kerry campaign should have been making. Maybe not directly, maybe supported by a shadowy 527, but an ad campaign featuring George Bush as the anti christ could have spooked the evangelicals into staying home. If you consider their world view seriously, its a bit twisted up. As christians they have to believe that god is watching from heaven and disapproving of gay people getting married. They also have to believe that god is incapable of dealing with homosexuals on his own, that hell’s purifying fires are not enough, that instead society itself must set up barriers to prevent their unholy practices from becoming mainstream. At this heart of this argument is the belief that god is watching, that god is capable of withdrawing his favor from their county if he notices too many gay people living their lives out in the open. Moral issues, voters for who it was most important apparantly voted for George bush 4 to 1, is really code for Christianity. If GWB was a muslim and a man of high moral standing (neither of which he happens to be) I don’t think voters would have cited Moral issues as important as they did. But they might have, if you consider the abortion issue. Anyway, my point was that GWB is not alone in thinking he is doing god’s will. I would wager many of the evangelicals who voted for him think the same thing. One of the ways to sow doubt in their apparently highly impressionable minds is to brand bush the Anti Christ. Instead of poll watchers in Ohio we should have had preachers going out to every church in every county on Sunday Oct 31st proclaiming Bush as the Anti Christ. Would it have killed the Kerry camp to try it? They lost anyway. If a scandal had erupted at least we would have had a public debate on the fact that while we are preaching the spread of democracy, and hoping for a secular government to be elected in Iraq, here in America we have just the opposite: a borderline facist regime voted into power by millions of brain addled religious zealots.

  4. And what about getting the candidates we really want?

    As long as I’m ranting about the elections, I gotta say that John Kerry was not the most inspired choice of candidates… I don’t know anyone who felt really inspired by him, though lots of people thought he’d be good…

  5. And what about getting the candidates we really want?

    As long as I’m ranting about the elections, I gotta say that John Kerry was not the most inspired choice of candidates… I don’t know anyone who felt really inspired by him, though lots of people thought he’d be good…

  6. It’s THE Oprah. Pay proper respect! haha.
    I think you’re right… I do think more people believe her to be divine than Bush.

  7. I think Oprah did a disservice to decency in America on yesterday’s show by exposing the trend toward multiple partners now being prefered by increasing numbers of women, even married ones. Do not the news media, to include Oprah with her sensationalizing such things as yesrterdays show, realize that impressionable eyes and ears see and hear such things and use such knowlege as justification to think it’s OK to break traditions?

    One big black mark for Oprah and that one!

  8. Who Can Beat The Noise Machine?

    As has been made clear in 2000, 2004 and practically every day since – the media will just ignore Democrats while the right-wing press will deride any thing they say. While the left builds its (currently pitiful) infrastructure, there are elections tha

  9. I think Michael Moore beat you to this one. I remember reading this in “Dude, Where’s My Country?”, well before the 2004 elections. He makes a fairly serious (well, as serious as anything else he does) case for Oprah as our first black female president. I think she’d do great– hell she’s more qualified than Shrub was when he was first appointed president anyway.

    And why not? Why are Democrats so fucking wimpy and media-stupid? Repugs elected a goddamned shirt salesman as governor in 1966, as president in 1980, and elected an idiot action-movie actor as governor in 2003. Hello? We’ve also had musicians in congress, pro wrestlers as governors, what the fuck? Democrats need someone with positive name recognition: Oprah has got it and then some.

    The problems of today’s world are directly attributable to our 21st century technology being run by men with a Neanderthal-era brainstems– beating each other over the head with clubs and flinging feces at each other, except the clubs are made of plastic explosives and the feces of depleted uranium. Women are more evolved than men, and mothers much more than single women; I think a woman would do us well. Oprah in particular seems to understand the kind of interpersonal issues we need fixed between nations and groups. Why an African-American though? No particular reason. The colour isn’t a factor; I don’t happen to know of any famous white women who have it together as well as Oprah does anyway, she’s simply the most qualified for the job.

  10. links for 2005-06-12

    Joho the Blog: Oprah for President in 2008 I like this idea. Here’s a better one: Convince James Dobson to run as an independent, start a grassroots campaign for him on the net. He’d get all the evangelical and…

  11. yes I will confirm it. you have been scooped by Michael Moore in Dude Where is my Country. There is actually a whole chapter dedicated to OFP (Oprah For President). I think it precede the Wesley Clark for President Chapter.

    Either way, the bigots in this country would never let a black person female or male be president. Also the bigots in this country will never let a women be president in a time of war. Which is why I scratch my head at the establishment getting behind Hillary in 08.

    Sad but true

  12. Nah, Oprah should NOT run for Mayor or anything like that first.

    The biggest part of her appeal to be president is the fact that she hasn’t been compromised by being a politician… if she becomes president, she won’t owe great debts to Diebold and Halliburton and Oil Companies and Israel and all that… the only people she’ll owe her allegiance to is the American people, and that is what would make her great.

    I’d wager that if Oprah ran for President, as she hopefully will do in 2008, there will be a record voter turnout. Blacks, women, and anybody who is ready for a change will go totally out of their way to make sure she wins the presidency… myself included.

  13. For your “O” for president gear!

  14. I think having an African-American woman for president is a wonderful idea and I support it 110%. However I think Mr.Michael Moore and everyone else who thinks Oprah should run for president should have their head examined. Promoting someone to run for the highest postion in the United States who has ZERO national/world politics experince is absolutely insane. If you want to see the first African-American woman president who actually has something to offer, try casting your vote for Condoleezza Rice.

  15. “I detect a national yearning for a truly transformational leader, the sort of leader who not only manages daily problem-solving but actually transforms the times in which we live, as Ronald Reagan did from the right or John F. Kennedy from the left. Instead, we see a lineup of “transactional leaders,” fixated on short-term remedies and surrounded by spin doctors to prevent them from digging deeper holes for themselves.”

  16. A Sony/Epic recording artist is about to release a song called “Oprah For President”- it’s very edgy and hip, could tip the scales with young voters everywhere.

    Check it out at:

  17. I didn’t care for Kerry. I am glad that he decided not to run again.

  18. I have created a BLOG about the winderful work Oprah Winfrey is doing in South Africa with here school. Check it out:

  19. she probably has more power and influence in this country doing what she does now than she ever would if she got involved in politics…speaking of power, check this out:

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