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[PT] Frans de Waal

Frans says he’s going to convince us that we’re apes. He says that aggression also provides opportunities for reconciliation; aggression doesn’t just drive us apart. He has lots of funny examples of how the body laguage of politicians establish dominance hierarchies — including the political reconciliation of Bush and McCain. And he goes through the ways in which chimps and capuchins support basic ideas of fairness and sharing. [Totally enjoyable talk.]

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2 Responses to “[PT] Frans de Waal”

  1. Aggression and Reconciliation

    My grandmother is fond of reminding me that each person has a fight or flight reaction to conflict. Some immediately want to get it all out in the air. They don’t mind the yelling and screaming and name calling so long as a conflict is dealt with as s…

  2. franz de waal is employed by Yerkes Regional Primate Center. His ideas about chimps and bonobos come out of a center that is a virtual auschwitz for primates. hundreds of these animals are used for brutal experiments and then are killed. He refuses to speak out against these atrocities.

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