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Presidential bubbles

From CNN today:

The founder of the U.S. Christian Coalition [Pat Robertson] said Tuesday he told President George W. Bush before the invasion of Iraq that he should prepare Americans for the likelihood of casualties, but the president told him, “We’re not going to have any casualties.”

I hope Kerry goes big with this, along with Bush’s statement that he’s not too concerned about Bin Laden. Daddy Bush may not have known how much a quart of milk costs, but sonny-boy’s fiction-based presidency is getting us killed.

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4 Responses to “Presidential bubbles”

  1. What he may mean, given the messenger and his recipient, is that we will suffer no casualties because those who fall doing the will of the Almighty (i.e. spreading freedom to brown people who deserve a shot at ruling themselves after they pay big kickbacks to large American corporations and surrender their natural resources) in this holy war be granted eternal life.

    See David? They don’t die.

    Axis of Evil —> Hell
    Nucleus of Good —> Heaven

    You must have missed evangelical christian sunday school last week.

  2. Aha! Thanks, Jeneane.

    Now can you explain the religious math behind his deficit spending? TIA!

  3. I would be happy to:

    Deficits don’t matter when you’re expecting the return of your Lord any day.

    You can’t take it with you, so you might as well spend it.

    The post-Rapture deficit doesn’t count. God sets it all back to zero.

    This is neoconomics. I am trademarking it. Any other mysteries you’d like me to solve?

  4. It kinda makes you wonder what John Kerry and Louis Farrakhan talk about over lunch, doesn’t it?

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