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Bush’s inner narrative

Fascinating article by Noam Scheiber in The New Republic that tries to discern what moves Bush to act. Primarily, it seems there’s an heroic narrative running through his head. The piece is filled with its own disparate stories of weird presidential decision-making that make sense within the article’s thesis.

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One Response to “Bush’s inner narrative”

  1. An excellent piece. The Bush clan has long shaped their own narrative (as have most “dynasty” families before them). I think that the reason Bush claims that he received no special treatment in the Air National Guard is because he received exactly the treatment he was expecting, it was exactly the way the story was supposed to play out.

    It seems cliched, but Bush seems to see himself as a later-day Gary Cooper. Each step up until now has been a necessary one that leads to the moment where he straps on the gun, strides into the street while the townspeople cower inside, and confronts the bad guys. I think he has such a hard time recognizing the reality of Iraq today is because he sees himself as wearing a white hat the guys in the white hats always win.

    Too bad this isn’t a movie.

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