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Jot looks cool

Jon Udell has posted a demo of Jot; you see the screen and hear Jon’s interview of Joe Kraus, Jot’s co-founder. It looks very cool: A wysiwyg wiki with forms, email integration and the ability to pull in information from around the Web. Note: The demo loops, so if after 15 mins or so you think Joe is repeating himself, well, he is. (See my Blog Disclosure: I am on the board of advisors of Socialtext, a competitor.)

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3 Responses to “Jot looks cool”

  1. I just got my beta account setup. Publishing the wiki still not working. Jim et all promise its going to up next week…

    In short.. It’s Hecka Kewl once you install the packages !!!

    So when does socialtext come out, would like to do a beta review on that too !!

  2. /pd – Socialtext has been out for a year.

  3. And socialtext’s wiki is simple, robust, and easy to use. IMO.

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