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Takin’ My Country Back

I don’t know much about country music, so I can’t tell if this song is any good, but I like the idea of it…

And here’s a one-minute remix of Bush’s performance at the first debate. The remix is called “Hard Working George.” (Thanks, Mike O’Dell for the first link and John Driscoll, for the second.)

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8 Responses to “Takin’ My Country Back”

  1. Honky Tonkers for Truth

    Honky Tonkers for Truth is burning up airwaves with a new country foot-stomper– ” Takin’ My Country Back “.

  2. This is a great song Joho.

  3. Left Wing Country Music

    Country music acts like Toby Keith have discovered how easy it is to sell a remedy for pain…and made a fortune by doing so. When everybody is afraid, you can sell just about anything. For a while, with the exception

  4. I don’t even listen to country music much, I prefer rock but I love this song.

  5. I have been attempting to get a copy of this song “taking my country back” by “the honky tonkers for truth” for a while now without any luck if you can help me please do so.

    John woloszyn

    the link on this page to the website with the song doesn’t work.

  6. i got a hold of “takin’ my country back” with
    eMule P2P file sharing program.

  7. How do I get ahold of the group, Honky Tonkers for Truth, who were responsible for putting together the song “Takin’ My Country Back”.

    I am a professional songwriter/musician involved with this type of work and would dearly like to make contact with someone from this group. My internet searches and “Googling” have comeup empty.


    Felix misch
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

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