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[microsoft] Swag

At the Search Champs private conference I’m at, Microsoft has been giving out excellent swag: A copy of Money, Office and Flight Simulator, a logo-ed windbreaker, sun visor and golf shirt, and a thumb storage device….all packed in a logoed-backpack. I’m too mature and self-knowing for swag to affect me, but I’m beginning to think that Microsoft has been badly misunderstood and under-appreciated. Plus, today we get to go to the Microsoft Store where we can spend up to $120 on heavily discounted Microsoft products. Unfortunately, I’m leaving before the trip to the store, so I assume I’m allowed to download $120’s worth of copyright-challenged Microsoft products via BitTorrent at or the P2P network of my choice. That’s right, isn’t it?

Microsoft took us out to a lovely dinner last night. I sat with three Microsofties and, as always, was impressed with how crazy smart they are across such a wide range of interests. We talked frankly about the day, but also about Aristotle and the birth of persistent taxonomies, whether math escapes science’s revolutionary paradigm, whether art anticipates science, and why I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about when I mouth off about Wolfram. I had a great time and learned a whole bunch.

Sorry, I’d like to be snarky, but I’m just telling you the truth.

Today we have continuous access to the Net during the sessions. Thank you.

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4 Responses to “[microsoft] Swag”

  1. Oh stop it! You an Liz sound like you’re having so much fun. pfft. ;-)

  2. More From The Microsoft Search Champs

    Microsoft’s Search Champs have been hearing from Microsoft Research today about various projects, none of which is under NDA. And that’s not surprising, given that nothing I’ve read blogged so far hasn’t already been mentioned in a variety of stories…

  3. swag-o-rama

    David already listed the remarkable amount of swag that the Microsoft Search team provided to the “Search Champs”—but he left before the final bonus, which was a $120 gift certificate at the Microsoft company store. w00t! I bought a n…

  4. More From The Microsoft Search Champs

    Microsoft’s Search Champs have been hearing from Microsoft Research today about various projects, none of which is under NDA. And that’s not surprising, given that nothing I’ve read blogged so far hasn’t already been mentioned in a variety of stories…

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