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Facing Bush

The DNC has released an ad that boils the campaign down to Kerry’s uptilted chin and Bush’s unfortunate facial body language (bodily face language?). Yes, politics has now been reduced to as close to nothing as possible. But, given that Gore lost the first debate because he sighed in exasperation at Bush’s unknowing incoherence, maybe turnabout is fair play. Might as well complete the degradation of democracy and get it over with.

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2 Responses to “Facing Bush”

  1. Actually, I didn’t read that into the ad. To someone who did not see the debate, it could have looked like an ad _for_ Bush, sighing in exasperation at all the stupid things Kerry said (yes, I know that didn’t happen, but from this ad, you could just as easily get that feeling).

    I wonder if this thing won’t backfire….

  2. ad link URL reads: Access Denied
    to all variations/file structure of URL

    using Firefox browser…
    mimetype for file is *.asx ?

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