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Cory omigod

Cory’s presentation to Microsoft on why DRM is bad for us and bad for them is other-worldly in its brilliance. Damn funny, too. It is a must-read. In fact, it’s a must-be-chiseled-into-lintels. (It’s in pdf and is presented by ChangeThis.)

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7 Responses to “Cory omigod”

  1. Warum DRM-Systeme fatale Folgen haben

  2. Great anti-DRM Screed

    Cory Doctrow has a marvelous explanation of why ‘digital rights management’ (building things that don’t let you play digital content the way you want to) is bad business for everyone in the digital food chain. (Spotted via Joho the Bl…

  3. Great anti-DRM Screed

    Cory Doctrow has a marvelous explanation of why ‘digital rights management’ (building things that don’t let you play digital content the way you want to) is bad business for everyone in the digital food chain. (Spotted via Joho the Bl…

  4. and oddly, self-referential in its irony….

    A presentation about how horrible DRM is in a pdf (ie, DRM)…..i guess cory isn’t *that* serious.


  5. There is also an MP3 version of Cory’s talk narrated by Jason Kottle at:



  6. Eric, you should know that Cory Doctorow didn’t release the pdf version himself… has produced it for people who like sexy looking PDFs I guess. Cory distributed a text version originally, which has allowed folks to do all sorts of cool stuff with it…

    I’d say he’s totally serious about it.

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