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Electrical poltergeist strikes again

My one-month-old Thinkpad X40 needs a new motherboard. Yesterday, it stopped noticing what was plugged into its USB ports. Today it can’t find its audio board. IBM has authorized the repair.

This occurred while I was on the road, lending credence to the theory that my electrical problems are not due to bad wiring in my house but in fact stem from some sort of perturbance in my aura. Or possibly an electrolyte balance. Ultimately, I think, we have to blame it on Karl Rove.

By the way, not having my laptop for the next few days is pretty much a freaking disaster since I’m leaving to give a talk early next week.

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9 Responses to “Electrical poltergeist strikes again”

  1. “Ultimately, I think, we have to blame it on Karl Rove.”

    AAAGH! Don’t invoke the name of the Evil One!!!

  2. There is something about you and electricity, David. I hope it isn’t catching …

    Are you headed out our way for Web 2.0?

  3. Nope, I’m going to miss Web 2.0. Sounds like it’s going to be a good one, though. Have fun.

  4. Uhm, most likely your laptop damage is due to whatever is going on in your home office.

    The effect of electrical surges can be cumulative.

    Get a server room power consultant already.


  5. The great news is that IBM has awesome support. I have an X24 which I love, and they have always just sent me a box and within 48-hours, I have a machine that is better than it was before.

  6. You’ve had better luck than I’m having. They sent me to a local repair shop that will have it ready for me on Mon or Tues, which is too late for me since I’m leaving on a trip on Monday afternoon. They’re having trouble getting system boards from IBM.

    And, fwiw, I have found another electrician: Nowicki WJ, in Brookline. They’re coming out on Oct 1 to check out the problem. In the meantime, I hope to sell them social software simply so they can have the Nowicki wiki.

  7. Terminal Exchange Systems, the local IBM repair shop, fixed it in 24 hours. They’re on 165 Amory Street in Brookline, 617 731 6319.

    Great service. Nice folks, too.

  8. My Thinkpad is doing the same thing. What was the cost, and how much did the repair cost ?


  9. Bad news, Salber. It was the motherboard. Mine was under warrantee and I don’t know how much it would have been otherwise. But it would have been a lot.

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