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Where we blog about

Ethan Zuckerman has published the initial results of the alpha version of a project he’s started, and it’s pretty damn interesting. He’s scraping NY Times articles and then checking which ones are being linked to in blogs. The raw results are depressingly unsurprising: We blog about the US, then about the US, with occasional digressions about the US.

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3 Responses to “Where we blog about”

  1. Well, if you are seriously posting about something foreign, wouldn’t you link to a foreign news source? Especially as the foreign coverage in the NYT is so spotty anyway?

  2. I just shook my head and laughed when I read this. This is news? We already know it’s all about US! Sigh.

  3. Sounds about right to me, along the lines of: We talk about ourselves, then about ourselves, with occasional digressions
    about ourselves.

    From this, he makes a living?

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