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Jon Stewart for President T-Shirts

This t-shirt that promotes Jonny for president in 2004 is just ridiculous. Everyone knows that 2008 is Stewart’s year, when he’ll be running against the Schwarzengroper. C’mon people, get real!

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7 Responses to “Jon Stewart for President T-Shirts”

  1. Duh…That shirt is on the presses as we speak….

  2. T-shirts and a petition for it!

  3. Oh yeah, here’s the link for the petition:

  4. The next big thing in Jon Jon wear…

    stewart colbert 08

  5. Why wait for him? Let’s write him in for 2004:

  6. Another Jon Stewart For President shirt

  7. I feel a little lame doing this, but it’s OK to be a promo whore for a good cause, right?

    ::Puts on promo whore hat::

    I’ve got a forum for Supporters of the Unity Party and somehow one of our forum threads on the Stewart Colbert candidacy is our top source of incoming google searchers. It occured to me that our thing might actually be worth mentioning in other places where people on the same wavelength are likely to be found, so:

    We have a goal to set up a giant online convention (hopefully with keen “online caucasing software” to be written in the next 18 months) with participation and the votes of 20 million webizens of any and all political stripes voting with a “centrist finding” voting procedure (like IRV or something) for a presidential ticket for 2008 composed of a Democrat and a Republican (in either order) or independents.

    Considering that this will be happening on the web and considering that it’s likely to be massively open I could *almost* imagine Stewart being nominated into the early part of the process without his permission… I’d love to hear what his response will be on the show when he finds out he’s been added… and he’s polling better than some Senators ;-D


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