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I’m out of Friendster

I’ve quit. I don’t ever use it. I don’t have a pressing need to be registered at a site for daters and people with “open” marriages. I wasn’t impressed with the CEO throwing Friendster condoms into the audience after giving a talk. I have a problem with the site’s disrespect for the implicit. And then Friendster fired an employee for blogging. Click here to go to the cancellation form, if you’re so inclined. (Thanks to Jeremy Zawodny for the cancellation link. And here’s a great post by Jon Udell.)

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4 Responses to “I’m out of Friendster”

  1. I think I have a friendster account. I wanted to see how it compared to Orkut. It looked pretty weak so I never went back. As far as Orkut itself, the one compelling thing that keeps me going back are the communities where people engage in threaded discussions about whatever interests them. This is essentially the same thing that draws me to and – only while those sites are largely news recyclers, Orkut communities are open-ended discussions about anything. For me, it’s all about threaded web-based discussions, not who’s friends with whom. It’s handy to have a profile so you can express yourself and see something about who you’re discussing stuff with, but the linking seems unnecessary and forced.

  2. I was just thinking of how I really should delete my stupid Friendster account. Funny to come across this entry now. Thanks for the link.

  3. Well that is why I use other small community sites such as and others.

    Friendster wants to have a monopoly, but I guess they can’t!


  4. Thanks for the info.
    Any idea how to get out of

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