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Markets are (unpaid) conversations

Blogversations matches bloggers with advertisers. As far as I can tell from the not-enough-informational site, the blogger writes about some topic the advertiser suggests and gets paid for it. It’s clear from the site’s defensive writing, however, that Blogversations knows its project is in danger of being misunderstood … or, perhaps, understood.

Unclear from the site: Is the fact that the bloggers are getting paid made apparent? And where do these “conversation” occur? Unfortunately, there’s no obvious way to get more information about what Blogversations is proposing except by registering.

By the way, their phrase “markets are discussions” sounds oddly familiar

(Thanks to John Battelle for the link.)

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3 Responses to “Markets are (unpaid) conversations”

  1. the producers of this offering i suspect are so skittish about its premise and prospects they’ve gone to the expense of a ‘private’ internic domain registration with GoDaddy …

  2. Blog+Conversations


  3. Sponsoring bloggers

    Jeff Jarvis has doubts about Blogversations that gets marketers to sponsor conversations that bloggers engage in on their blogs. Blogversations, however, gets it backward. It wants marketers to actively tell a blogger what to discuss and then they will…

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