Joho the Blog » SuperBowl Note (Caution: Contains no gratuitous nudity)
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SuperBowl Note (Caution: Contains no gratuitous nudity)

My son and I went on a bonding trip to the supermarket a few minutes before the SuperBowl began — I think it’s the only sports event we’ve ever watched, except for Olympic ice skating — and were amused to see that the salty snackfood shelves had been just about cleared out.

Of course, our glee was tempered by the fact that we were there to buy salty snackfoods.

Tom Hespos at Online Spin reports that each SuperBowl ad cost $2.3 million. Here’s an extract:

TV ratings decline every year.

Media consumption habits continue to diversify, resulting in a fragmented landscape in which an increasing percentage of people are unlikely to ever be reached by incremental spending in TV.

Yet prices go up every year.

And TV continues to be the foundation of national advertising plans.

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3 Responses to “SuperBowl Note (Caution: Contains no gratuitous nudity)”

  1. > And TV continues to be the foundation of national advertising plans.

    I think one problem of this is that you can’t exactly measure the success.

  2. Think what you will about the ratings but last years Superbowl was the most watched TV show in history, and this years will probably be watched by more people than last years.

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